VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

I had a client going through chemo. She had already had 1 round and was quite sick for days afterwards. The next round we did a session right before, and she wound up having zero side effects. She even called her doctor because she thought there had been a mistake and they hadn't given her enough medicine. We continued to do sessions before each round of chemo and she felt really well throughout. We missed the very last session because our schedules didn't align and she wound up feeling very ill again. It was such a great confirmation to both of us how much VortexHealing had benefited her!

I'm at an esoteric spirituality/magical practice convention right now and last night one of the lecturers, an energy worker who teaches classes on sensing and who has never heard of VortexHealing and has no idea what practices I do scanned my subtle body. He said (and this is close to an exact quote) "I've never seen anything like your system before. It's like you have spinning concentric rings in your field adding precision and definition to your subtle body."

A woman brought her friend to a group Vortexhealing. The friend was polite but skeptical. After the session, on her way out the door, she gave me a wayward glance that seemed to say 'what the heck was I thinking trying this??'. So a couple weeks later I was surprised to hear through the woman who had brought her, that the friend had experienced such a dramatic reduction of her anxiety issue that she feels she was cured!

Just wanted to share some news about T, a 17 year-old boy with seizures. I worked on him last Saturday. The next day, his mom texted me first thing in the morning to tell me that he had had NO seizures during the night. She doesn't remember the last time he had not had a seizure during the night. She shares custody with his father, but she said that when T is with her, at least once every night she wakes up to the sounds and jerky gestures of T having a seizure. The next morning, she said he was more relaxed than she has seen him in a long time. She said often in the mornings he is "jittery" and unbalanced, but on this morning he was calm.

That week, when he was with his Dad, she got reports of only 2 seizures. I asked her to try and explain what is typical with him and she said that every week his Teacher at school emails her if and when T has a seizure. Typically, he can have up to 40 small ones in a day. And the teacher emailed to say he'd only had two total all week. She sounds incredibly excited, even though she doesn't know exactly what "energy healing" is or what I'm doing while channeling VortexHealing. She'd like me to continue to see T.

After the last day of Genetics class I took a train north to use the transmission on my father who is 69 with a rare neuro-degenerative condition called Myclonus, which causes random movements of vertebrae and limbs - in his case, twitches of neck and shoulder especially around C 2-5 vertebra and pain in the lumbar spine. He has also been a type 2 diabetic for 4 years, has always been healthy and ideal weight with a sensible diet. As a patient he has phenomenal will power and discipline and has controlled his diabetes through diet and exercise for three years, but nothing has affected the Myclonus since onset 21 years ago. There is no medication, no means of symptom reduction and no cure. It is considered a genetic condition.

As VortexHealing teachers have observed his genetics are not strong, I have been aiming for the genetics transmission for two years as a possible treatment. Over five hours I finished clearing his kundalini channel (begun earlier) and completed the genetic modification protocol, using only the instruction "the best shift possible away from expressing Myclonus". It took a long time. Far longer than anything we did in class. And my Dad, who is a tolerant skeptic, was asleep for all but 20 minutes of the transmission and views it as just something his odd daughter is into. However, unusually, he did not sleep that night (I worked overnight) and two days later, my mother reported a notable reduction in his symptoms. 20-25 percent. Three weeks later, the symptom reduction has held steady and his energy levels greatly improved and pain levels much reduced. His doctors have observed the difference with surprise and curiosity and want to know what he has done! Just to recap, this is a physical disease logged in his medical history for two decades for which the prognosis is slow steady nervous system deterioration that is advanced. There is no cure. There is no surgical intervention. There are no effective drugs. Nothing current medicine has can help him. But he is improving - in direct correspondence with VortexHealing sessions.