VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

There was a nice breakthrough that took place in a group healing. The topic for the healing was Stubbornness, and a lady had enrolled herself and her husband to be part of the healing, with a twist that the husband wasn't aware of it. I then received an email, saying that later that evening after the healing - after five years of saying no - the husband finally said yes and gave her the divorce.

My cousin was really struggling with her colicky 9 week-old. Tuning in, it felt like he had some constriction where his occipital and parietal bones articulated as well as some lumbar and thoracic tension that was impacting his diaphragm. I did two five-minute distance sessions and my cousin reported that he is like a totally different baby now. He can be by himself without crying, tolerates baths and he even looks different. They had nicknamed him 'Mr. Grump' because he always had a furrowed brow and now his face has relaxed.

I was a vegetarian for years and my pH was always about 5 (acidic). When I consulted a medical intuitive I work with, she told me I had a genetic program for an acidic body. So I did a genetic modification. The next time I tested my pH it was 7. The genetics workshop was a lifesaver.

I posted on Facebook a while ago about my son having dyslexia and it was recommended to do the re-orientation thing. I tried it on my son and it didn't seem to run. I thought it might be me so I tried it on a friend of his who was also having problems at school with reading and writing. When I did it on him the energy was really pumping. A few weeks later I spoke to his mum and not only was he reading but he was enjoying it too. Now this boy could barely stay focused let alone read. His mum also mentioned that he seemed a lot more settled and centered in himself.

I used Merlin's Grace to release any remaining cat allergies I might have from the vibrational aspect of my Luminous Egg -- I have two cats, and I mostly do okay but I've had allergies in the past that I've worked on, but I figured there might be more to clear out. Immediately I felt my sinuses open up, and later I noticed that I stopped having a runny nose -- I've had this near permanent post-nasal drip that I had become so used to, I stopped thinking of it as a cat allergy. It's gone now. So yeah, good stuff!