VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

I was in Greece in the summer doing a Thai yoga massage training. I was sitting opposite a guy who was holding his sick daughter. She was less than 2 years old, she had been sick for several days, fever, lethargic and very limp, I hooked up to her from across the table and just started channeling. Within less than a minute she sat up, looked around, and then got up and started playing.. Her dad was in complete shock, as was I, I had never seen a kid respond so well to energy before. It was nothing short of miraculous in the dad's eyes. News got around quickly and suddenly sick kids were coming out of the woodwork being presented to me.

During last spring and summer, menopausal symptoms so obviously began. Hot flashes were getting well underway and I'd been having sweats, etc before that in the nights. That was July. Now is January. After the session [getting a genetic modification for menopause], I had about one more day of the hot flashes and even then I could feel them minimizing and becoming less and shorter. In that initial period I thought that this is how it would be then (for the next few years!). BUT, since that first day after and up to now, I have not had anything. No night sweats, no hot flashes. It's pretty phenomenal really!

I was about to give a group healing session and a woman asked me to include her ex-husband who was in the hospital. He had a stroke 2 months ago and was unconscious ever since. Just a few involuntary micro-movements. Next morning this man woke. He could move, recognize his family and would've talked if he hadn't a tracheotomy. Doctors couldn't believe it.

Five days after my client’s session, she reported that afterwards she felt a bit stronger and felt that she had come to the right place for help. Later that day strong emotions came up and for 24 hours she cried a lot. She also remembered an assault she suffered as a young woman when a man strangled her. Since that attack she wasn't able to wear a scarf, or any clothing or even jewelry that would touch her neck/throat. A couple of hours later she realized that that sensitivity was completely gone and now she can wear whatever she wants!

A man had been admitted to a hospital with swine flue and an inflammation of the lungs. The situation became so bad that he was transferred to the intensive care unit, put into artificial coma and hooked up to a heart-lung machine. The Doctors told his partner that the prognoses is very bad, he probably would not make it. That's when I got contacted. The same evening I did the first healing, intending to strengthen the overall energy system and another hour for the lungs specifically. The next day I did the second session to strengthen a weak energy system and spent an hour hunting the virus. That same evening, not even 24 hours and only four hour's of VortexHealing later, the pretty amazed doctors found their patient not only stabilized but doing better! For two more days I did another one-hour session each day, further strengthening the overall energy system, supporting the lungs and immune system. Each day he needed less extra oxygen.

Today, six weeks later, they are organizing for him to go home where he is expected to recover fully.

Love to be a Vortexhealer!